Jan Rajlich Sr出生于1920年,曾在捷克鞋业公司Bata的私立艺术学院学习。转换了几份职业之后,他最后于1950年在布尔诺定居,并在那里成为自由画家和平面设计师。他曾设计了一系列的海报、标志、商标、印刷排版和象形信息等。Rajlich还与建筑设计师合作完成了壁画和马赛克装饰画等。1963年,他发起了布尔诺国际平面设计双年展,并担任主席到1992年。他还为众多设计刊物撰写了大量有关平面设计的文章。他的客户包括许多重要的捷克公司和文化机构。
Born in 1920, Jan Rajlich Sr studied at the Skola umeni in Zlin, a private university-level art school of the Czech shoe company Bata. Having changed several occupations, he finally settled in Brno in 1950, where he freelanced as a painter and graphic designer. He designated a series of posters, symbols and trademarks, typographical layouts, pictographic information sets, etc. Rajlich also co-operated with architects in mural paintings and decorative mosaics. In 1963 he initiated the International Biennale of Graphic Design in Brno, and was being the president of it until 1992. He also writes articles to design journals and lectures on graphic design. A list of his clients included many important Czech firms, companies and cultural institutions.
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