ZOW2006德国展(12th zow in bad salzuflen)于2006年2月 20-23日在历经半年扩建工程之后的现代化展览中心举行。来自39个国家的710家国际展商在整修一新的展馆内展出了他们的创新产品。约有16000名专业观众共同见证了这家具原辅材料第12届盛会的又一次巨大成功。
ZOW has had a makeover. After only five and a half months of construction, suppliers to the fu rnit u re industry were delighted to present their product innovations for the first time at the extended and modernized exhibition center in Bad Salzuflen from February 20th to 23rd. More than 700 exhibitors from 39 different countries and about 16 000 international trade visitors made this-the biggest get together so far for the fu rniture supply industry-a successful event once again.
Furniture & Interior Design