嵌入式操作系统的实时性能是衡量一个嵌入式操作系统的重要指标。目前有多种指标和测试方法可以测量一个操作系统的实时性能。本文主要关注于使用OSBench来测量Windows CE.NET任务调度器的实时性能,并分析了在不同系统硬件和不同系统负荷情况下实时性能的变化情况。得到了四种不同同步方式的时间特性,及它们之间的比较差异,也证明了windows CE.NET具有良好的实时性能。
The real.-time performance is an important part when evaluating embedded operating systems. Currently, there are various methods to evaluate the real-time performance. This paper mainly focuses on using OSBench to test the real time performance of WinCE. NET tasks scheduler and analyzing the performance changes under different hardware platform and system load. The results of four different synchronization methods are presented, and prove that Windows CE. NET is a qualified operating system with good real-time ability.
Microcomputer Applications