
腰带长体茧蜂毒液器官和卵巢的形态学及其超微结构 被引量:11

Morphology and ultrastructure of venom apparatus and ovary of the endoparasitoid,Macrocentrus cingulum
摘要 应用超薄切片和电镜技术,观察内寄生蜂腰带长体茧蜂Macrocentrus cingulum Brischke毒液器官和卵巢的形态结构。腰带长体茧蜂毒液器官由1个毒囊和2条毒腺组成,毒腺接于毒囊的顶端。毒腺由单层分泌细胞、退化的外胚层细胞和环腔的内膜构成,分泌细胞主要由1个明显的细胞核和1个较大囊状细胞器构成,囊状细胞器的功能是分泌毒液。毒囊由肌肉鞘和扁平细胞层构成,但没有分泌细胞。腰带长体茧蜂卵巢1对,每个卵巢由10条左右卵巢小管组成,与侧输卵管相接处略微膨大形成卵巢萼区。2条侧输卵管在产卵管基部会合形成1条总输卵管与产卵管相接。毒液器官通过毒囊的毒液导管附着在总输卵管上。对寄生蜂毒液器官的生物学、细胞学及在分类进化上的意义进行研究。 Morphology and ultrastructure of the venom apparatus and ovary of endoparasitoid Macrocentrus cingulum Brischke (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) were observed by using light and electron transmission microscopes. The venom apparatus of M. cingulum was composed of one venom reservoir and two gland filaments. The gland filaments joined together at the top of the venom reservoir. The gland filaments consisted of an outer single layer of secretory cells, a layer of degenerated ectodermal cells and an inner intima lined the lumen. Secretory cells contained a distinct nucleus and a big vesicular organelle, which secreted the components of venom. The reservoir consisted of a muscular sheath and squamous cells, but no secretory cells. M. cingulum has a pair of ovaries and each one has approximately ten ovarioles connected with a lateral oviduct via a small calyx region. Two lateral oviducts formed a common oviduct and opened into the ovipositor. The venom apparatus joined together with the common oviduct by its venom duct. The significance of venom apparatus of parasitic wasps in biology, cytology, taxonomy and evolution of the parasitoids are discussed.
出处 《昆虫知识》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期818-821,I0001,共5页 Entomological Knowledge
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(39930030和30370195)
关键词 腰带长体茧蜂 毒液器官 卵巢 超微结构 Macrocentrus cingulum, venom apparatus, ovary, uhrastructure
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