There are children that have difficulty in distinguishing chickens from ducks,but that are conversant with the various species of dinosaurs that lived 200 million years ago,thanks to Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Pork and Walt Disney cartoons,CClV's live program on dinosaur fossils excavation in Xinjiang has sparked off a new bout of dinosaur"fever"in China.The mystery as to exactly why these creatures that dominated the earth for 150 million years became extinct makes them an irresistible topic among the general public.It is also one that demands a scientific solution.Excavation of dinosaur fossils in China began In the early 20th century.They have since been found in every province(other than Fujlan and Taiwan),autonomous region and municipality in the country,There are now 17 dinosaur museums in various localities,Staff reporter Lu Ruoai and photographer Yu XiangJun recently visited an excavation site in Xinjiang.What they saw and experienced is reported in"The Middle Dinosaur Kingdom."