Internet是20世纪70年代末期出现的网络体系结构和技术,其体系结构与协议明显地打上了当时的通信技术水平(线路传输速率低、误码率高)和以文本传输为主的应用背景的烙印。DWDM技术的发展为实现“三纲合一”奠定了通信基础,但是Internet提供的“尽其所能”(Best Effort)服务无法保证未来实时图像数据、话音数据和文本数据集成服务的需要,不能以数字技术和分组交换技术实现“三网合一”。本文以笔者的研究工作为基础,以“三网合一”的需求和密集渡分复用(DWDM)技术为背景,讨论如何用“单物理层用户数据传输平台网络体系结构”(SUPA)及其核心吏挟技术——“类以大网物理帧时槽交换”(EPFTS)技术在骨干网上实现“三网合一”,又如何从Internet向SUPANET过渡。
Interact architecture as well as relevant techniques was developed at late 70's last century and obviously stamped with historical brand of the conununication technologies (low transmission rate & high error rate) and application requirements (text-oriented applications). However, for lacking the ability to guarantee QoS, the "best effort" service of Interact is not suitable for merging existing cable TV, telephone, and computer networks into a packet-switched digital network, even though DWDM has fledged for this purpose. This paper discusses how the novel technique called EPFTS (Ethernet-like Physical Frame Timeslot Switching) can be used to build a Single-layer User-data transfer Platform Architecture Network (SUPANET), and how to migrate from Interact to SUPANET based on the research work carried out at SC-Netcom Lab (Sichuan Network Communication Key Laboratory).
Journal of Communication and Computer