服饰是文化的化身,气质的浓缩,身份的象征。而服饰的审美元素包括了色彩组合之美、造型风格 之美、材质图案之美、工艺制作之美、缺陷掩饰之美、整体搭配之美等,服饰的审美应融合服饰、穿衣者、看衣 者三方面,建立"以人为本"的服务目标,这样人人均可成为主宰自己个性,把握潮流命脉的服装设计师。
Fashion is the incarnation of culture, the concentrating of makings, the symbol of identity. And the aesthetic element of fashion is all -embracing . It is associations of different factors, including beauty of color combination, of modeling style, of the material pattern, of the craft - making, of defect - covering and of wholly - matching, etc. Fashion aesthetic should be a combination of the dress itself, the person who wears the clothes and the person who thinks clothing, set up the service goal of" people first ". Only in this way can everybody decide his/ her own individual character and hold the designer of trend lifeblood .
Journal of Nanning College for Vocational Technology