
音标-音素意识整合训练的重要价值——小学二年级干预组与三年级对照组的比较 被引量:1

Critical Values in the Integrated Training of Phonemic Awareness with Phonemic Transcription
摘要 采用前-后测对照组的准实验设计,通过小学二年级的两个干预组与小学三年级的一个对照组之间的比较研究,结果表明:音标知识、音素分解、合成、删除与替换技能相整合的训练方案,以及音标知识、音素分解与合成技能相整合的训练方案,都有利于提高小学二年级学生的英语音素意识、准朗读和朗读技能;不过,训练内容相对多的前者,并没有显著地优于训练内容相对少的后者。 A pretest-posttest contrast group quasi-experimental design with two primary school grade-2 classes as the intervention groups and one grade-3 class as the contrast group was used in the study. It was found that both the integration of phonemic transcription knowledge, phonemic segmentation, blending, deletion and substitution, and the integration of phonemic transcription knowledge, phonemic segmentation and blending training, could enhance phonemie awareness, quasi-reading and reading skills for English in grade-2 pupils; in addition, the effects of the former program which included more components were not significantly superior to those of the latter program which includes fewer components.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期1324-1330,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 音标 音素意识 整合 干预 准朗读 phonemic transcription, phonemic awareness, integration, intervention, quasi-rcading
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