
利用微生物提高作物秸秆饲用价值的研究(英文) 被引量:2

Upgrading Crop Residues with Employing Microorganisms for Use as Animal Feedstuffs
摘要 研究了微生物(乳酸菌和酵母菌混合发酵物)发酵玉米秸秆对饲用价值和奶牛饲喂效果的影响。实验处理为用筛选的微生物制剂发酵纯秸秆粉、纯秸秆粉补充氮源(豆粕粉)和碳源(玉米粉),对照为清水发酵上述原料。结果表明,作物秸秆粉经微生物发酵后有机酸(以乳酸计)含量接种后24h内大幅度提高,之后持续缓慢增加,而清水发酵的对照则没有酸积累现象;与清水发酵对照和不发酵原料相比,微生物发酵处理纯秸秆粉的粗蛋白、粗脂肪和粗纤维变化无明显差异;但发酵原料中补充碳、氮源后,微生物发酵处理的粗脂肪、维生素B含量大幅度提高,粗纤维含量显著降低,粗蛋白含量变化不明显。奶牛试验表明,与清水发酵玉米秸秆相比,微生物发酵秸秆处理产奶量增加了17.0%,乳脂率增加了1.01%。 Three experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the effect of microorganisms on components and palatability of crop stalks according to fermented materials. Experiment 1, maize stalk; Experiment 2, maize stalk + 10% maize grain meal + 5% soybean cake meal; Experiment 3, feeding effects in dairy cows raised with microorganism-fermented stalk (as treatment) and water-fermented stalk (as control)with fermented stalk. Microorganisms employed in the experiment were co-cultured solution of lactobacillus and yeast. Results showed that, acid concentration (calculated in lactic acid) in materials increased sharply 24 hours after inoculation both in experiment 1 and experiment 2. In experiment 1, the content of crude protein, crude fat and crude fiber increased slightly after fermentation compared with non - fermented material, the content of vitamin B2 increased in large amount. In experiment 2, the content of crude protein in fermented material increased in small extent, the content of crude fat and vitamin increased markedly compared with non-fermented material, whereas the content of crude fiber decreased significantly compared with treatment of non-fermented material and treatment of water inoculation. Feeding experiment illustrated that, corrected milk yield and milk-fat percentage increased by 17.0% and 1.01% respectively in treated group than in control.
出处 《山东科学》 CAS 2006年第6期49-52,共4页 Shandong Science
关键词 作物秸秆 微生物 奶牛 产量 crop stalk microorganisms dairy cows milk yield
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