
事件结构的句法映射——以“把”字句为例 被引量:15

The mapping of eventual structure on syntax: An analysis of BA construction
摘要 本文在比较语义学和句法学对致使性事件或结构相关研究基础上指出,在复杂事件内部结构和动词短语句法上的组构性之间存在着映射关系,复杂的句法结构是复杂事件结构的表现手段。作为个案研究,本文从事件结构的句法映射角度出发,对“把”字句的句法限制进行诠释,认为“把”字句的语义是包含了一个活动过程子事件和一个状态变更子事件的致使性复杂事件;完成性是“把”字句句法限制的关键,可以通过多种句法手段得到满足。 Following a comparison between the semantic study of causative eventualities and some contemporary syntactic hypotheses concerning the VP structure, this paper argues that there is a mapping relationship between the inner structure of complex events and the articulation of the VP structure. Complexity of syntactic structure is an outward manifestation of a complex eventual structure. As an illustration, the paper sets out to reevaluate the syntactic constraints of the BA construction, and points out that the semantics of the BA construction can be construed as a complex causative event consisting of a sub-event of process and a sub-event of change-of-state. And this construal constitutes the semantic basis and precondition for outputting grammatical BA constructions. As an important syntactic constraint on the BA construction, telicity can be satisfied by various syntactic means, such as particular predicates, complements, verb-attached particles and objects that are attributed to the measurement of events.
机构地区 曲阜师范大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期354-361,共8页 Modern Foreign Languages
基金 山东省社会科学规划研究项目(编号:05CYZ01)
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