
中国大学生英语朗读中的语调短语划分不当 被引量:31

Ill intonation-phrasing in Chinese EFL learners, English read speech
摘要 本文通过分析15名大学生的英语朗读后发现,两类语调短语划分不当,即语调短语标记缺失(IPD)和语调短语划分失败(IPF),是中国大学生英语朗读中相互关联的两个方面,且主要受言语风格和在线产出管理的影响,言语风格通过在线产出管理间接影响IPD,但直接影响IPF。本研究部分验证了Gussenhoven(2004)关于表现因素影响句内语调短语划分的论断,并为进一步解释此类影响提供了新的思路。 This paper reports on a study of the English read speech of 15 Chinese-speaking university students in China. Following careful data analyses the study has yielded two major findings. First, there are two types of ill intonation-phrasing, i.e. intonation-phrasing deficit (IPD) and intonation-phrasing failure (IPF). They are two related aspects of Chinese EFL learners, English read speech, both affected by speech style and on-line production management. Second, speech style indirectly affects IPD via on-line management and directly affects IPF to a significant extent. The present study has not only partially testified Gussenhoven,s (2004) assertion that performance factors influence sentence-internal IP but also thrown light on how such influence may take place.
作者 杨军
机构地区 东南大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期409-417,共9页 Modern Foreign Languages
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