cases open fracture and 5 cases closed fracture in 22 cases of tibial fracture with non-unionwere caused by high-energy injury. Fifteen of the non-unions were hypertrophic and seven were atrophic.There were large areas of scar formation in the Iower legs,As to the causes of the non-unions:the hyper-trophic non-unions were caused mainly by unstable fixation;the atrophic non-unions were caused mainly bythe bone loss at the open fractures,severe soft tissue injury,bad blood circulation after infection and loss ofossification ability. The hypertrophic non-unions were treated by locked and unlocked intramedullarynails;the atrophic non-unions were treated by iliac graft and Ilizarov external fixation,All non-unions werehealed.he mean follow up time was 14. 2 months. The healing period was 4-8 months.The causes of theeventual healing were strengthening of fracture fixation and improvement of blood circulation to the frac-tured parts.
Journal of First Military Medical University