
自然保护区管理效果影响因素 被引量:21

An investigation of factors that influence the effects of management of protected areas
摘要 自然保护区的管理效果是保护区管理工作能力的重要考核指标。由于管理基础、管理机制和管理行为的不同,对保护区的管理效果产生影响的因素也有差异。为了剖析保护区管理过程中各项管理要素对管理效果产生影响情况及其重要程度,从林业系统中选取154个国家级自然保护区进行问卷调查,从26项管理要素中得到14项能体现管理有效性的关键评价指标,在此基础上,利用χ2检验的方法,分析这些关键评价指标与保护区的管理效果之间的关系,为今后的管理工作提供参考依据。经过研究,自然保护区管理效果的3个指标(保护状况E1、保护区控制E2、对当地社区经济效益的影响E3)中,目前E1在各个保护区中的管理效果得分中最高,这说明维护保护区的保护状况仍是各个保护区最为重视的工作目标;而保护区管理有效性评价指标中各个因子对于管理效果有不同的影响结果。在这些管理评价指标中,宣传项目是唯一对保护区管理效果中的3个指标都有影响的因素,并对E1这一管理效果因素影响最大,而管理监督评价和旅游管理与收费则是分别对E2、E3的影响最大。通过分析,将会更加明确保护区的管理因素中各个指标的重要性,通过对采取合理的方式,最终可以提高保护区的管理效果。 The effects of management of protected areas (PAs) are important criteria for evaluating management capabilities. The diversity of management bases, management mechanisms and management actions among different protected areas results in different management effects, including different protection conditions ( E1 ), levels of PA control ( E2 ) and influences on community economies (E3 ). In order to analyze which factors of management basis, mechanism and action are correlated with management effects, we conducted face-to-face interviews and distributed survey questionnaires through the mail to a total of 154 representatives from PAs managed by forestry departments. The questionnaires contained 26 indices on management basis,mechanism and action. The principal component analysis method was used to select 14 of the indices as key evaluation elements and the X^2 analysis was used to analyze the relationship between indices and management effects. The results showed that the value of E1 was the highest among the three management effects, indicating that protection condition was regarded as the most important task in the management of PAs. E1, E2 and E3 were related to different management factors. There were 5 key evaluation element factors related to E1 , of which propaganda and education level were the most influential. E2 was impacted by g key evaluation element factors, or which supervision and assessment for management contributed the most. Of the 4 key evaluation element factors that influenced E3, tourism management was the most influential. At the same time, 3 of the 14 key evaluation element factors were not related to E1, E2, or E3 . The analysis showed that the relationship between evaluation factors and both E2 and E3 needs to be strengthened. More factors need to be considered in order to improve management. Different factors influence different management effects. Management organizations of PAs must insist on a comprehensive management method. At the same time, the relationship between E1, E2, E3 and management effects should be better understood and be improved.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期3775-3781,共7页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70573105 70171044) WWF资助项目~~
关键词 自然保护区 评价指标 管理效果 相关性分析 protected areas evaluation effective management correlation analysis
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