
矿渣粉作为填料的沥青混合料性能试验 被引量:24

Performance Test on Asphalt Mixture of Slag Powder as Filling
摘要 用磨细矿渣粉等量代替常用的石灰石粉作为沥青混合料的填料,以AC-16Ⅰ沥青混合料规范级配中值为研究对象,提出了3种试验方案。在这3种试验方案最佳油石比的基础上对沥青混合料的路用性能指标进行了试验分析;测试了石灰石粉与矿渣磨细粉的粒度分布;按照沥青材料试验方法对两种矿粉与沥青胶浆做了检验。结果表明:用矿渣粉全部或部分代替石灰石粉不仅可以将AC-16Ⅰ沥青混合料的最佳油石比分别减小0.9%、0.5%,而且提高了动稳定度,残留稳定度保持不变,低温弯曲应变几乎不受影响。从微观上分析两种矿粉的结构差别,进一步说明用矿渣粉代替石灰石粉不仅利用了工业废渣,使生态环境得到保护,而且在结构级配与性能上是更优选择。 Using slag powder as a kind of asphah mixture filling instead of the limestone powder, based on mid-value of gradation of asphalt mixture AC 16 Ⅰ, 3 kinds of test projects were presented. On the basis of optimum oil stone ratio of 3 kinds of test projects, road performance were analyzed; particle distributions of limestone powder and slag powder were measured by using laser particle size analyzer, at the same time, the pastes of asphalt and 2 kinds of mineral powder were tested by the methods of asphalt material. The results show that the slag powder instead of limestone powder whole or part not only decreases the amount of asphalt optimum oil stone ratio 0.9% or 0.5% respectively, but also increases the dynamic stability degree of asphalt mixture, residual stability degree is the same as the original mixture and cold flexural strain is hardly affected. Authors analyzed the microstructure of the two mineral powders and indicated that the slag powder instead of that of limestone powder is beneficial not only environment but also structural gradation and performance.
出处 《中国公路学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期25-29,共5页 China Journal of Highway and Transport
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划("八六三"计划)项目(2003AA33x060)
关键词 道路工程 沥青混合料 粒度分析 矿渣粉 石灰石粉 沥青胶浆 路用性能 road engineering asphalt mixture asphalt paste road perforn, ance particle analysis slag powder limestone powder
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