

Research of Switch Reluctance Motor Control System Based on Fuzzy Logic by Turn-off Angle Compensation
摘要 针对开关磁阻电动机(SRM)转矩脉动大的问题,采用模糊控制器对开关磁阻电动机的关断角进行实时补偿,实现SRM关断角自动调节,从而达到减小转矩脉动的目的。采用Matlab/simulink仿真软件,构建SRM控制系统的仿真模型,进行仿真实验。 To resolve the problem of torque ripple in a switched reluctance motor, a fuzzy-logic-based turn-off angle compensator for torque ripple reduction is applied. Turn-off angle is changed timely to reduce torque ripple. In simulink, a switch reluctance motor control model block is modeled and simulated.
出处 《煤矿机械》 北大核心 2006年第12期50-52,共3页 Coal Mine Machinery
基金 湖南省教育厅资助项目(05C093) (05C088) 湘潭市科局资助项目(2004GY10)
关键词 开关磁阻电动机 转矩脉动 关断角补偿 模糊控制 switch reluctance motor torque ripple turn-off angle compensation fuzzy control
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