
培养高中学生积极情绪的认知行为干预 被引量:10

Cognition-behavior therapy for cultivating positive emotions in senior high school students
摘要 目的:从积极心理学的视角出发,面向大多数学生进行情绪健康教育,以培养其积极情绪,提高心理健康水平。方法:于2004-10在洛阳市某高中二年级10个班级中随机选取2个班的全部学生为实验对象。正常对照组63名,认知行为干预组65名。均自愿参加。依据贝克认知-行为疗法的基本原理和技术进行认知行为干预,内容包括:苏格拉底对话、认知连续体矫正信念、分级暴露、角色扮演、放松技术等。采用班级团体辅导和个别辅导相结合的方式。辅导时间1次/周,1.5h/次。每个月末各增加1次,开展10次活动。分为5个阶段:①以“相识快乐”为主题的活动开始阶段。②了解情绪、反省认知方式阶段。③思维记录、挖掘内心世界阶段。④制定计划、改变行为阶段。⑤案例讨论,分享成长的快乐阶段。正常对照组不进行任何干预。认知行为干预组于干预前后采用情感量表和中学生心理健康量表进行测评。情感量表由20个完整的陈述项目组成,采用5级记分制。中学生心理健康量表由10个分量表60个项目组成。采用5级记分制,分别反映正向情感、负向情感、快乐感、偏执、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑、适应不良、学习压力、健康适应10个方面。正常对照组在相同时间测量。对所得的数据采用SPSS11.5进行统计分析。结果:认知行为干预组65名同学均坚持完成活动,并获得干预前后问卷测评结果,全部进入结果分析。正常对照组63名同学也完成前后2次问卷测评,无脱落。①干预后学生正向情感因子得分显著高于干预前,偏执、人际关系敏感、焦虑、适应不良、心理不平衡因子得分以及心理健康总分均低于干预前,差异均有显著性意义眼正向情感:(34.26±5.348),(31.98±6.301)分,t=-2.257熏P=0.027演;眼偏执:(11.54±3.687)熏(12.86±4.242)分,t=2.001熏P=0.05演;眼人际关系敏感:穴12.54±4.078雪熏(14.37±4.983)分,t=2.525熏P=0.014演;眼焦虑:穴13.49±5.449雪熏(15.48±5.646)分,t=2.132熏P=0.037演;眼适应不良:穴12.91±3.394雪熏(15.09±3.741)分,t=3.559熏P=0.001演;眼心理不平衡:穴12.55±4.287雪熏(14.09±4.03)分,t=2.244熏P=0.028演鸦眼总分:穴127.29±35.311雪熏(141.57±36.162)分,t=2.458熏P=0.017演。②对照组前后两次测试的正向情感、负向情感、快乐感、心理健康总分差异无明显变化。③个别辅导干预后学生的积极情感和快乐感明显提高。但消极情感体验也有所增加。结论:通过干预,学生的积极情感和快乐感明显提高,偏执、人际关系敏感、焦虑、适应不良、心理不平衡多个心理健康因子得分显著降低,心理健康水平有所提高。认知-行为疗法能增加学生的积极情绪,有一定的推广应用价值。 AIM: To give emotional health education to the majority of students from the aspect of the positive psychology, so as to cultivate their positive emotion and improve their mental health. METHODS: Volunteer students of two classes were randomly selected as subjects from the 10 classes of Grade two of some senior middle school in Luoyang in April 2004, who were divided into normal control group (n=63) and interventional group (n=65). The experiment was carried out based on the principle and technique of Baker's cognition-behavior therapy, which included: Socrates dialogue, cognitive continuum modification belief, gradual exposure, role play and releasing technique. Class group counseling and individual counseling were performed at the same time, once a week and 1.5 hours every time, with an extra activity at the end of every month. The 10 activities were divided into 5 periods: ① the beginning period of "glad to meet you"; ② the period to know emotion and self-examining cognitive style; ③ the period of recording thoughts and digging into the internal mind; ④ the period of making plan and changing action; ⑤ the period of discussing the examples and sharing the experience of growth. The normal control group was not given any intervention. The interventional group was measured before and after intervention with emotional questionnaire and mental health questionnaire of middle school students, while the contrast group without any intervention. The emotional questionnaire consisted of 20 terms, and was assessed with 5-grading system. The mental health questionnaire of middle school students consisted of 10 scales and 60 terms, which was also assessed with 5-grading system. The 10 scales measured the positive emotion, negative emotion, happiness, paranoid ideation, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, maladjustment, learning pressure, and health fit. The control group was measured at the same time, Data were analyzed with SPSS 11.5. RESULTS: Sixty-five students in the interventional group all completed the experiment. The results of questionnaire measured before and after intervention were acquired and analyzed; so were the 63 students in the control group. ① After intervention, scores of positive emotion were obviously higher than those before intervention; scores of paranoid ideation, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, maladjustment, mental unbalance and the total scores of mental health were lower than those before intervention, and the differences were remarkable [positive emotion: (34.26±5.348), (31.98±6.301), t=-2.257, P=0.027]; [paranoid ideation: (11.54±3.687), (12.86±4.242), t=2.001, P=0.05]; [interpersonal sensitivity: (12.54±4.078), (14.37±4.983), t=2.525, P=0.014]; [anxiety: (13.49±5.449), (15.48±5.646), t=2.132, P=0.037]; [maladjustment: (12.91±3.394), (15.09±3.741), t=3.559, P=0.001]; [mental unbalance: (12.55±4.287), (14.09±4.03), t=2.244, P =0.028]; [total scores: (127.29±35.311), (141.57±36.162), t=2.458, P=0.017]. ② In the control group, no obvious changes in the scores of positive emotion, negative emotion, happiness and total scores of mental health measured before and after intervention was found. ③ After individual counseling, the positive emotion and happiness of the students were obviously improved, however, there were more experience of negative emotion. CONCLUSION: After intervention, the positive emotion and happiness of the students are obviously improved; the scores of paranoid ideation, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, maladjustment, and mental unbalance are obviously decreased, and the mental health level is improved. Cognition-behavior therapy can increase students' positive emotion, so it can be used widely.
作者 王滨 李燕
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第46期79-81,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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