
磁共振在乳腺癌临床诊断中的价值 被引量:1

Evaluation of the role of magnetic resonance imagine in breast cancer
摘要 目的:评估磁共振(MRI)检查在乳腺癌中的诊治价值。方法:53例临床和(或)钼靶摄片上疑有乳腺恶性病变的女性病人,行MRI检查;所有病人都接受外科手术和病理学诊断。结果:41例乳腺癌病人中,MRI检查检出乳腺癌37例,检出率为90.24%;钼靶摄片检出乳腺癌33例,检出率为80.48%;二者有显著统计学意义(P<0.05);有2例乳腺癌病人,因术前MRI提示有多发病灶而未能行保乳手术。结论:增强MRI诊断乳腺病变有较高的敏感性,对钼靶摄片评价较为困难的致密(型)乳腺尤有一定独到之处,二者联合使用可大为提高乳腺癌的诊断率。MRI检查有利于乳腺癌分期并指导其临床治疗。 Objective To evaluate the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Methods Fifty-three patients suspected of breast malignancy by clinical palpation and (or) mammography underwent MRI examination. All the patients were then submitted to operation and pathological examination. Results Among 41 cases confirmed to be breast cancer, 37 were detected by MRI (90.24%) and 33 by mammography (80.48%). Breast-conserving operation was not considered in 2 cases for the presence of multiple lesions in preoperative MRI. Conclusions Contrast enhanced MRI is highly sensitive in the detection of breast cancer in patients with dense breasts not easily diagnosed by mammography. The combination of these two techniques may effectively raise the diagnostic rate of breast cancer. MRI is helpful to the staging of breast cancer and to guide the treatment.
出处 《外科理论与实践》 2006年第6期507-509,共3页 Journal of Surgery Concepts & Practice
关键词 磁共振 乳腺肿瘤 诊断 Magnetic Resonance Imagine (MRI), Breast tumor Diagosis
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