从苗族民间故事《一个孤儿》的深层内涵———经期或产褥期性禁忌谈到传统社会的成年仪式 (尤其是女性的成年仪式 )和有关的风俗习惯 ,阐明传统社会关于经期或产褥期的某些风俗习惯除了带有宗教色彩之外 。
This article talks about the rites of becoming adults in traditional society (especially girls' rites of becoming adults) and the related customs and habits from the deep layer content of the Miao folk story——《An Orphan》 ,——the sex taboo of menstrual period or childbed period, and states out that some customs and habits of the traditional society about the menstrual or childbed period which hides psychology of sex taboo besides religious flavour.
Journal of Wenshan Teachers College