
二维核磁共振对羊栖菜褐藻糖胶DJL的结构研究 被引量:3

Structure Elucidation of Fucoidan DJL Originated from Hizikia fusiforme by 2D NMR
摘要 羊栖菜是我国的特色海藻,褐藻糖胶是其主要生物活性成分.葡萄糖醛酸甘露聚糖(DJL)是羊栖菜褐藻糖胶经脱硫和部分酸水解后的产物,本文采用2D NMR和甲基化分析等方法,对DJL的结构进行了研究.结果显示,DJL主要由甘露糖(46.4%)和葡萄糖醛酸(50.5%)组成,另外还含有少量的半乳糖,相对分子质量为11 KDa,其可能具有的一种结构为:-βD-GlcA(1→[2)--αD-Man(1→4)--βD-GlcA(1→]n1→4)--βD-Gal(1→[4)--βD-GlcA(1→2)-α-D-Man(1→]n2→4)--βD-GlcA(1→2)--αD-Man. Fucoidan is the primary bio-active component in Hizikia fusiforme, an algae widely distributed in China. DJL is a product of Hizikia fusiforme-originated fucoidan after desulfation and partial hydrolysis. In this study, the structure of DJL was elucidated using 2D NMR spectroscopy and methylation analysis, The result shows that DJL has a molecular weight of 11 KDa and is composed of mannose (Man) and glucouronic acid (GlcA) with a composition ratio of about 1:1. Its possible structure was also determined to be β-D-GlcA(1→[2)-α-D-Man(1→4)-β-GlcA(1→]n1 →4)-β-D-Gal ( 1→[4)-β-D-GlcA (1→2)-α-Man( 1→]n2→4)-β-D-GlcA(1→2)-α-D-Man.
出处 《波谱学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期419-428,共10页 Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance
关键词 NMR 结构 2D NMR 羊栖菜 褐藻糖胶 多糖 NMR, structure, Hizikia fusiforme, fucoidan, polysaccharide
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