
GeV γ射线噪Blazars的谱能分布及不同子类之间的联系

Spectral Energy Distribution of Gev Gamma-Ray Blazars and Connection AmongXBLs, RBLs and FSRQs
摘要 文章通过引入一个新内禀复合谱指数αγxγ=αxγ?αγ后,给出25个blazars的复合谱指数αxox和αγxγ的分布,分析研究表明三类blazars天体在高能辐射的谱能分布尽管存在差别但在谱性质上表现出明显的连续性.XBLs(HBLs)和FSRQs位于不同的区域而RBLs(LBLs)位于中间态.这一结论与Sambruna等人的低能辐射情况下双色图的结论是一致的. In this paper, by introducing a new composite spectral indices áa^xa~ =áxa~ - áa~, We plot a áxox - áa^xa~ diagram for 25 Gev a^-ray blazars. Using this new composite color-color (áxox -áa^xa~) diagram, we investigated the nature of the HBLs-LBLs relationship, and the BL Lacs-FSRQs relationship, in high-energy emission. The results show that the spectral energy distributions of three subclasses of Gev a^-ray loud blazars are different, but essentially continuous: HBLs and FSRQs occupy separated regions while LBLs bridge the gap between HBLs and FSRQs. The results are consistent with what derived from a low energy color--eolor(áxox - áoro) diagram by Sambruna et al. (1996).
作者 丁世学
出处 《襄樊学院学报》 2006年第5期19-22,共4页 Journal of Xiangfan University
基金 湖北省教育厅重点科研项目(2003A001)
关键词 活动星系核 BLAZARS 谱能分布 Active galactic nuclei Blazers Spectral energy distribution
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