
弥尔顿的自由表达观的世俗现代意义 被引量:2

Milton's Freedom of Expression and a Secular, Modern Perspective
摘要 批评者质疑,弥尔顿在《论出版自由》中使用的言论自由言辞只是在表面上与我们今天所理解的自由主义观相似,因为弥尔顿的言论自由因其特定历史和宗教背景与所谓现代“开放社会”的言论自由并无共通之点。但是,如果将历史的弥尔顿与其理论实质特点拉开距离,我们可以发现其神学色彩浓厚的言论自由观与世俗现代言论自由观的关系,也从一个角度回应对其理论价值的质疑。 Commentators easily see some glaring incongruity between Milton's freedom of expression in his Areopagitica and modern libertarianism despite a semblance of rhetoric. However, by distancing the historical Milton from some core messages in the text, we may rediscover his relevance to the modern, secular approach to freedom and give due credit to some of his central concerns, coded in religious terms, over the free-reasoning mind and arbitrary external control-concerns shared by his modern libertarian successors.
作者 张世耘
机构地区 北京大学英语系
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期53-58,共6页 Foreign Literatures
关键词 自由表达 世俗性 现代意义 Areopagitica, freedom of expression, secularism, modernity
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  • 1John Milton, Areopagitica,in Areopagltica and Of Education, Michael Davis ed. (New York: Macmillan. 1963), p. 57, p. 42, p. 50, p. 60, p.62, p. 17, 50-51, p. 27, pp. 51-52, p. 46, p. 18, p.20, p. 21, pp. 37-38, pp. 40-41, p. 35.
  • 2John S. Mill, "On Liberty", in John Stuart Mill: Three Essays (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1975), p. 116, p. 24.
  • 3Stanley Fish, "There's No Such Thing as Free Speech, and It's a Good Thing, Too", in There's No Such Thing as Free Speech (New York: Oxford UP), 1994, p. 103, p. 102.
  • 4Stanley Fish, " Driving from the Letter: Truth and Indeterminacy in Milton's Areopagitica", in How Milton Works(Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard UP, 2001), pp. 191 -95, p, 102,
  • 5Leonard Levy, Emergence of a Free Press (New York: Oxford UP, 1985), pp. 93-97.
  • 6Vincent Blasi, " Milton's Areopagitica and the Modem First Amendment". Yale Law School Occasional Papers, 2nd Series, 1(2002), 20 May, 2005, http: //www. law. yale. edu/outside/himl/publications/pub- blasi.htm.
  • 7Milton, "Of Reformation", in Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Don M, Wolfe ed. (New Haven: Yale UP, 1953),Ⅰ,p. 566.
  • 8Don M. Wolfe, "Introduction", in Complete Prose Works of John Milton, Don M, Wolfe ed. (New Haven: Yale UP, 1953)Ⅰ,p, 112.
  • 9Don M, Wolfe, Milton in the Puritan Revolution ( New York :Humanities, 1963), p. 137,
  • 10Charles Geisst, The Political Thought of John Milton ( London :MacMillian, 1984), p, 65,











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