目的:观察宽胸丹对大鼠心肌损伤后CPK、LDH及对梗塞样缺血坏死心肌保护作用的影响。方法:健康大鼠50只,雌雄各半,随机分为5组,宽胸丹大、小剂量组分别灌胃连续7 d后,腹腔注射异丙肾上腺素诱发心肌损伤,检测CPK、LDH的变化。作病理切片,光学显微镜下观察,参照Rona的分级标准评定心肌病理损伤程度。结果:宽胸丹对心肌损伤大鼠血清CPK、LDH有明显的降低作用;可改善缺血区营养状态,减轻心肌坏死及炎细胞浸润,对缺血损伤心肌具有明显的保护作用,且存在一定的量效关系。结论:宽胸丹可对抗大剂量Isop所致实验性大鼠梗塞样心肌缺血缺氧状况。
Objective: To observe the protective effect of Kuanxingdan On serum CPK and LDH of rats with myocardial impairment and the infaretional isehemie necrosis cardiomyopathy. Mehtods: 50 cases of healthy rats (25 males and 25 females)were randomly divided into 5; groups, After the large dose of Kuanxiongdan group and the small dose of Kuanxiongdan group were poured into the stomache continously for 7 days, they were given intraperitoneal isoprenaline injection for the myoc.ardial impairment, and the change of CPK and LDH were examined, Then the pathological sections were observed under opitcal microscope and the pathological impairment degree of myocardium were evaluated aecvrding to the Rona grading standard. Results: Kuanxiongdan has an obvious decreasing effect on the serum CPK and LDH of rats with myocardium impaimaent. It can improve the nutnture of the ischemie area and reduce the spread of myocardial necrosis and inflammatory cell infiltration. And it had obvious protective effect on isehemic impaired myocardium and there exited a certain dose-effect relationship, Conclusion: Kuanxiongdan couLd resist the ischemie and hypoxia condition of experimentaL rats' infarctional myocardium caused by the large dose of isoprenaline.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine