The Leptospira whole cell vaccine (LWCV) currently used in China is safe and effctive, but the immunity following vaccination with two doses of the fluid medium vaccine is of low order. The duration of immunity conferred by this vaccine is rather short, six months or at most one year. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new generation vaccines against Leptospirosis for the developing world. In this paper we report the sequencing of the insert fragment of pDJH 2 from genomic DNA of L. interrogans sevovar lai strain 017 and its alignment with other bacterial omp sequences. A genomic library of Leptospira interrogaans serovar lai strain 017 was constructed with the plasmid vector pUC18. A recombinant plasmid designated pJDH 2 was screened from the genomic library. Inserted fragment of pDH 2 is 1.9kb by gel electrophoresis. Immunization/protection was studied in BALB/c mice model. The results showed highly significant difference between pDJH 2 and pUC18 (control). Inserted fragment of pDJH 2 DNA sequencing was performed by Dr Yan Zhengxin (Max Planck Institut fur Biology. Tubingen, Germany). Insert fragment was cloned into pBluescript Ⅱ KS + (stratagene) and sequenced by using AB1 (Applied Bio Systems, Model 373A). Two open reading frames of 565 and 662 nucleotides were identified. There were identifiable initiation codons, terminators, Shine Dalgano ribosome combining site, Pribnow boxes and Sextama boxes within the 2 sequenced regions. Nucleotide sequences were analysed using Gene Work, a suit of computer program developed by Department of Biochemistry St. Jude Children′s Research Hospital Memphis. U.S.A. The results of formatted alignment showed the predicted nucleotide sequence of ORF1 of the serovar lai had significant similarity with ORF2(49.36%), L.kirschneri ompL1 (49.26%), Borrelia burgdoferi omp (48.97%), Treponema phagedenis omp (47.3%); Salmonella typhimurium ompC(46.87%), Yersiniaenterocolitica ompH (46.7%), Leptospira borgpeterseni pfap (46.3%), and Serratia marcescens omp (43.3%). The close relationship of the pDJH 2 ORF1 and ORF2 nucleotide sequences from Leptospira kirschneri ompL 1 is apparent. Whether the recombinant pDJH 2 will prove useful for vaccine development remains to be tested.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences
Outer membrane protein (omp)
Nucleotide sequencing alignment Similarity
Gene engineered vaccine