
九一八事变后胡适对日外交政策的理性思考 被引量:1

HU Shi's Reflections on China's Foreign Policy to Japan After Sept.18 Event
摘要 九一八事变后,胡适主张:以妥协换取和平,赢得建设的时间;那种无视国力贫弱、军备窳劣的现实,不顾一切地要求全面抗战是不明智的,也是危险的;救国的根本在于改革内政,将中国建设成一个民主的现代化的统一国家。胡适对日主张的主导思想是通过外交途径解决中日冲突,冲突的解决绝不能以牺牲主权为代价;与日谋和只是一种手段,其最终的目的还是争取时间徐谋国家的富强和统一。 After 9.18 Event,HU Shi thought that peace and building time could be won by the policy of appeasement and compromise,with the view that if blind to the weak power of nation and underdeveloped arms, the whole-scale anti-war was unwise and dangerous;So the essential way of saving our country was the revolution of the demostic affairs and thereby the modem democratic China might be fulfilled.HU Shi's ideas about the resolution of couflicts between China and Japan were by foreign policy,which was by no means the sacrifise of sovereignty; Peace sought from Japan was but a means,the final aim was still the construction of a wealthy,strong, and united nation.
作者 徐希军
出处 《安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第4期10-14,共5页 Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
关键词 胡适 对日外交 以和备战 现代化 HU Shi foreign policy to Japan war preparation by means of peace modernization
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