
语言学习观念调查——关于高等职业技术学院非英语专业学生 被引量:3

A Survey of Language Learning Beliefs——On Non-English Majors in a Vocational College
摘要 许多高职学生想学好英语,但缺乏自信。他们注重真实的语言交际,比较依赖母语,注重词汇、语音等的学习,并倾向于使用学习和交际策略。高职的男生比女生更相信外语学能,对外语学习有更多的自信。而优秀生比困难生掌握了更多的学习策略,有较强的学习能力,善于用补偿策略促进语言交际。 Many vocational college students have a strong desire to learn English well but with less confidence. They prefer using learning and communicative strategies. They also like to have authentic communication but spend more time on vocabularies and sounds, rely too much on their native language. Males believe in language aptitude with more confidence than females. While top students have strong ability to study and have had more learning strategies. They are adept in using compensation strategies to promote the success of communication.
作者 雷淑华 李桦
出处 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第5期118-121,共4页 Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 语言学习观念 高职学生 调查分析 language learning beliefs vocational college students survey
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