The preparation of a fetal liver graft may be one of the most important events for auxiliary fetal liver transplantation, and it related directly to the quality of engrafted liver and the result of operation. In order to accumulate the preclinical experience of fetal liver preparation, we conducted the procedure on 20 cases of fetal liver with brain death after perfusion in situ and combined procurement of multiple abdominal organ. The result demonstrated that the dissection of hepatic artery was sophisticated and very time-consuming proceduce. In the cause one should pay more attention to hepatic artery variation. We thought the umbilical vein was much more suitable for vein blood supply than portal vein, but the vein duct should be ligated. In our experiment either suprahepatic vena cava or infrahepatic vena cava was chosed as the efferent vessel from donor liver and the fetal gallbladdercould be used for bile duct reconstruction.
Journal of Xi'an Medical University(Chinese)