目的:采用溶胶-凝胶法制备负载二氧化钛的多壁碳纳米管,对其结构进行X-射线粉末衍射(XRD)、透射电镜表征,探讨负载二氧化钛的碳纳米管用于腈纶废水的处理。方法:以300 W中压汞灯为光源,在250 m l的腈纶废水中加入100 mg负载有TiO2的碳管光催化处理1 h,废水的CODC r去除率达22%;经Fenton试剂进行预处理后,加入150 mg载有TiO2的碳纳米管进行光催化实验,经光催化氧化3 h后,CODC r去除率达到90%,处理效果非常明显。结果:实验结果表明,该种催化剂具有很好的光催化活性。结论:用Fenton试剂预处理与TiO2光催化联合使用,对含腈废水中的难降解有机物去除效果好,具有一定的实用性。
Objective:The photocatalysts of TiO2 nanoparticles coated on carbon nanotubes were prepared by the sol - gel method, which were characterized by XRD and TEM. The photocatalytic degradation of the pollutants in acrylic fibre wastewater was investigated with the photocatalysts TiO2/carbon nanotubes composites. Methods:When 100 mg TiO2/carbon nanotubes composites were added into 250 ml of the acrylic fibre wastewater, the mixtures were irradiated by 300 W Hg lamp for 1 h, the efficiency of the reduction of CODer waa 22%. The efficiency of the reduction of CODcr would turn to 90%, if the acrylic fibre wastewater were pretreated with fenton reagent, then mixture with 150 mg TiO2/carbonnanotubes and photocatalyzed for 3 h. Results.The results indicated that the photocatalysts possess high photocatalytic activity. Conclusion:The experimental results showed that the combination of fenton reagent pretreatment and photocatalytic oxidation over TiO2/carbonnanotubes have an ideal effect, and it is valuable for practical applications.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology