采用了Patir and cheng的平均流动模型,通过联立求解弹流基本方程组,获得渐开线齿轮啮合过程的油膜压力、膜厚,并分析了啮合过程中表面粗糙度对齿轮传动最小膜厚和压力的影响。采用多重网格法,使计算具有快速收敛性和数值稳定性。
Based on the average flow model by Patir and Cheng, it establishes EHL equations and analyzes the pressure and film thickness during a mesh cycle of a pair of involute spur gear. The result presents the influence of roughness on the surface during the mesh cycle. The multi - grid algorithm has the. advantage of rapid convergence and good numerical stability.