目的观察紫杉醇(PTX)联合氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)或亚叶酸钙(CF)持续滴注14 d方案治疗晚期胃癌的疗效、临床受益反应和不良反应。方法对23例晚期胃癌患者采用PTX 90mg/m2静脉滴注3 h,用药前均予预处理;CF200 mg/m2静脉滴注;2 h后5-Fu 500 mg静脉推注;5-Fu 2 250 mg/m2持续48 h静脉泵内注入。14 d为1周期,2周期为一疗程。2疗程评价疗效。结果21例可评价疗效,其中完全缓解2例,部分缓解11例,总有效率为61.9%;临床受益反应有效16例,占76.2%,其中疼痛缓解明显,Karnofsky(KPS)评分化疗前后比较存在显著差异(P<0.01);不良反应主要为剂量限制性毒性,表现为骨髓抑制。结论紫杉醇联合5-Fu或亚叶酸钙持续滴注14 d方案有助于改善晚期胃癌患者的生活质量。
Objective To evaluate the efficacy, adverse effect and clinical benefit response of paclitaxel (PTX) combined with fluorouracil (5 - Fu)/calcium folinate( CF)continuous infusion therapy in advanced gastric cancer(AGC). Methods Twenty - three patients with AGC were enrolled into this study. The chemotherapy regimen consisted of PTX 90 mg/m^2 i.v. in a 3 - hour infusion, CF 200 mg/m^2 i.v. infusion, intravenous injection of 5 - Fu 500 mg 2 hours later, and then 48 - hour continuous infusion of 5 - Fu 2 250 mg/m^2 using an ambulatory pump. The regimen was given for 14 days, as a cycle, and the efficacy was evaluated after completion of 4 cycles.Results Of the 21 patients followed per piotocol, 2 had complete response and 11 partial response; the total effective rate was 61.9% and the clinical benefit response rate was 76.2%. The patients suffering was obviously relieved and their Kamofsky score was significantly differenct( P 〈 0.01 ) from that before treatment. The main adverse effect was dose - limiting toxicity displayed as myelosuppression. Condusions Two - week PTX combined with 5 - Fu/CF continuous infusion improves the quality of lifine patients with advanced gastric cancer.
Medical Journal of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force
Paclitaxel 5 - fluorouracil calcium folinate Advanced Gastric cancer Clinical benefit response