主要阐述了一种基于区分服务机制的队列调度算法及其性能。对加权公平队列算法进行了分析和改进,通过算法仿真研究了改进算法W FQBP在区分服务机制中的优越性能,最后通过与其他常用队列调度算法的比较进一步阐明算法的特点,证实了改进算法W FQBP具有良好的适应性和可控性,并对该算法的应用和发展做出了分析。
This paper expounds a kind of scheduling algorithm based on Diffserv model and its performance. Weighted fair queuing algorithm mainly is analyzed and improved in this paper, and by algorithm simulation the advanced performance of improved Weighted Fair Queuing Based on Priority (WFQBP) is researched in Diffeserv mechanism. The characteristics of WFQBP in Diffserv mode are described by comparing with other popular queue dispatching algorithms, which proves that WFQBP is more adaptable and controllable. The algorithm's application and development is also explained in this paper.
Computer Development & Applications