目的应用W estgard方法评价决策图工具,结合分析质量要求对B ayer855血气分析仪测定项目pH、PCO2、PO2的不精密度和不准确度作图,客观评价分析项目性能的可接受性。方法pH、PCO2、PO2测定分析方法的不精密度来自于室内质控数据,不准确度来自于CAP的能力验证。利用W estgard方法评价决策图判断各项目方法性能的可接受性。结果B ayer855血气分析仪测定项目pH、PCO2的分析性能为优良,PO2的分析性能为良好。结论利用W estgard方法评价决策图可简单、准确、客观地判断分析方法性能,从而为质量改进提供依据。
Objective Westgard method evaluation decision chart tool can be used to judging Bayer855 Blood-Gas analyzer's pH,PCO2 and PO2 method performance and making objective decision on the acceptability of method performance. Methods The imprecision of pH,PCO2 and PO2 were from the average of the three control material. The inaccuracy were from proficiency testing of CAP. Then made decision on the acceptability of the performance characteristics of the test methods. Results For Bayer855 Blood-Gas analyzer,excellent for pH and PCO2;good for PO2. Conclusion Westgard method evaluation decision chart can be used to made objective decision on the performance of method quickly and easily for providing the proof for quality improvement.
Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine