研究了不同分娩方式对新生儿脐血肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮(RAS)系统的影响。采用放射免疫法检测了阴道分娩组(31例)、择期剖宫产组(37例)的脐血血浆肾素(PRA)、血管紧张素(AⅡ)和醛固酮(A ld)水平。结果表明:择期剖宫产组新生儿脐血PRA明显高于阴道分娩组(P<0.05),脐血AⅡ、A ld明显低于阴道分娩组(P<0.05)。
The object is investigated the levels of rennin -angiotensin -aldosterone system(RAS) in the cord blood of newborn with cesarean section and vaginal delivery. The levels of Plasma rennin activity( PRA), Angiotensin Ⅱ (A Ⅱ ) and Alelosterone (Ald) were measured by radiommunoassay in the cesarean section group(n =31 ) and vaginal delivery group( n = 37). The Results show that In the cesarean section group, the level of PRA and Aid were markedly higher and the level of A Ⅱ and Aid was mardedly lower than those in vaginal delivery. It concluded that The level of RAS in newborns are influced by delivery pattern.
Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology