
足球比赛中真、假运动性疲劳的产生及生理机制 被引量:2

True and fake motor fatigue in soccer games and its physiological mechanism
摘要 目的:综述足球比赛中疲劳状态的类型,并且对不同疲劳状态的概念进行界定,分析疲劳产生的生理机制。资料来源:应用计算机检索Medline、Elsevier、Springerlink数据库1970-01/2005-12期间的相关文章,检索词“soccer,fatigue,muscle,physiologicalmechanism”,限定文章语言种类为英文。同时计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库、1970-01/2005-12期间的相关文章,检索词“足球比赛、疲劳、生理机制”,限定文章语言种类为中文。资料选择:对资料进行初审,纳入标准:筛选出关于运动疲劳,足球比赛中疲劳及其相关生理机制的参考文献(电子期刊、学位论文及学术会议论文集),排除重复研究和综述类文献,然后查找全文。资料提炼:共收集到54篇关于疲劳的相关文章,28篇符合纳入标准。其中,关于运动疲劳的文献10篇,关于足球比赛中疲劳状态类型的文献9篇,关于疲劳产生的生理机制的文献9篇。排除26篇重复研究和综述类文献。资料综合:根据工时-动作和运动测试的方法发现,疲劳一般发生在两个阶段,可分为两种,即“假疲劳状态”和“真疲劳状态”。“假疲劳状态”的出现是由于高强度运动后,大量K+外流致使细胞膜内外K+浓度梯度发生变化而引起的,经过运动员积极性休息可以恢复的一种暂时性疲劳状态;“真疲劳状态”的出现则是因为长时间运动导致糖原浓度过低或者某些肌纤维类型内的糖原“排空”引起的,只有赛后通过一定的方式才能够恢复的一种力竭性疲劳。结论:在足球比赛中,运动员运动能力的下降是由于运动员产生疲劳,但在各阶段运动员产生疲劳的生理机制是不同的,且伴随着神经、精神疲劳,疲劳与温度、湿度等外界环境因素也有很大关系。运动员在发生疲劳后应该通过一定方式积极进行恢复。 OBJECTIVE: To summarize the fatigue types in soccer games, define them, and discuss the physiological mechanism of fatigue. DATA SOURCES: The computer-based online search of Medline, Elsevier and Springerlink was undertaken for related articles published in English between January 1970 and December 2005 with the key words of "soccer, fatigue, muscle, physiological mechanism". At the same time, we searched the CNKI database for related articles published in Chinese between January 1970 and December 2005 with the same key words in Chinese.STUDY SELECTION: The data were selected firstly. Inclusive criteria: Literatures about exercise fatigue, fatigue during soccer games and the physiological mechanism (electronic journals, dissertation and academic conference volume) were screened out; the repeated research and review articles were eliminated; then the full texts were searched. DATA EXTRACTION: Altogether 54 articles about fatigue were collected, and 28 ones were accorded with the standard, in which there were 10 ones about exercise fatigue, 9 ones about the fatigue types during soccer games, and 9 ones about physiological mechanism of fatigue, Twenty-six repeated researches and review articles were excluded. DATA SYNTHESIS: According to t/me-motion and performance measures during soccer games, fatigue seems to occur at two different stages, which can be classified into two kinds: "fake fatigue" and "true fatigue". "Fake fatigue" may be related to the temporary fatigue caused by change of potassium concentration with a great amount of potassium outflow after high-intensity performance, which can recover through active rest; the "true fatigue" is related to the exhausted fatigue caused by low glycogen or "evacuation" of glycogen in a number of individual muscle fibers, which can recover with certain pattern. CONCLUSION: The sports ability will be decline when fatigue occu~ during soccer games, but fatigue occurred in different period has different physiological mechanism. In addition, fatigue is related to the environment such as nerve and mental fatigue, temperature and humidity. When fatigue occurs, players should positively recover through some certain manner.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第48期167-170,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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