

Retrospective analysis of diabetic retinopathy in inpatients of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in the past 15 years
摘要 了解宁夏回族自治区回族近15年糖尿病并发视网膜病变情况和相关危险因素,选取宁夏回族自治区两所三级甲等医院1990-01/2005-12收治的1354例糖尿病并发视网膜病变的回族住院患者资料,病源来自全区各市县。其中男781例(87.68%),女573例(42.32%);1型糖尿病67例(4.95%),2型糖尿病1287例(95.05%);双眼失明17例(1.26%),单眼失明39例(2.14%);平均年龄(45.5±14.4)岁;平均病程(5.9±6.8)年。依据中华医学会糖尿病分会统一制定的慢性并发症调查表格,逐项填写患者的基本情况、个人史、治疗措施、入院情况以及并发视网膜病变情况等项目,由专人根据表格资料录入SAS软件进行统计分析,相对危险度大于1.1表示呈相关性。糖尿病并发视网膜病变的危险因素除了与传统指标收缩压、舒张压、病程、吸烟(相对危险度分别为1.796,1.110,3.527,1.935)相关外,还与三酰甘油(相对危险度1.117)、胆固醇(相对危险度1.783)有关。其中胆固醇为糖尿病并发视网膜病变的独立危险因子,可能与宁夏回族居民喜食动物内脏有关。 Abstract: To understand diabetic retinopathy (DR) in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in the past 15 years and relevant risk factors. 1 354 inpatients with DR between January 1990 and December 2005 were selected from two Third grade Class A hospitals of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, including 781 males (87.68%) and 573 females (42.32%); 67 patients with type I diabetes (4.95%) and 1 287 patients with type Ⅱ diabetes (95.05%); 17 patients with blindness of both eyes (1.26%) and 39 patients with blindness of one eye (2.14%), whose mean age was (45.5±14.4) years and the average course of disease was (5.9±6.8) years. According to the questionnaires for chronic complications unified by the Diabetes Mellitus Branch of Chinese Medical Association, patients' basic conditions, personal history, therapeutic measures, conditions in hospitalization and retinopathy were filled one by one, and data in blank were input into the computer for statistical analysis with SAS software. There was correlation while the relative risk (RR) greater than 1.1. DR related to systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, course of disease and smoking (the RR of which were 1.796,1.110,3.527 and 1.935 respectively). Besides, it also correlated with triacylglycerol (RR=1.117) and cholesterol (RR=1.783). Cholesterol was an independent risk factor of DR, which might be related with the custom of Hui people: eating of animal internal organs.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第48期190-191,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 宁夏医学院基金资助(200603)~~
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