
锌在铁氧化物和土壤上的吸附 被引量:3

Adsorption of Zn^(2+) on Iron Oxides in Soil
摘要 选用人工合成的两种铁氧化物(针铁矿和赤铁矿)和一种土壤,研究了Zn2+在供试样品上的吸附,并对其吸附机理进行了分析。结果表明,供试样品吸附Zn2+的量随其浓度的升高而增加,土壤、赤铁矿、针铁矿吸附Zn2+的量依次增加;供试样品吸附Zn2+后,溶液的pH值均降低;用线性方程、Langmuir、Fre-undlich、Dubinin-Redushkerich等温吸附方程对供试样品吸附Zn2+的数据进行了描述与比较,并结合其组成进行了吸附机理探讨。 Adsorption of Zn^2+ on goethite, hematite and a red soil was investigated, and the adsorption mechanism was discussed. The results indicated that: the adsorption capacity of Zn^2+ on tested samples increased with the increase in concentrations of Zn^2+. The amount of adsorption of Zn^2+ on tested samples was in order as followed: red soil〈hematite〈 goethite. After the Zn^2+ ions were absorbed on samples, all of the pH values of the solution decreased. Furthermore, the data of adsorption isotherm were described with linear,Langmuir,Freundlich,Dubinin-Redushkerlch models. The adsorption mechanism of Zn^2+ ions on tested samples was discussed.
出处 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2006年第6期734-736,763,共4页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(49831005)
关键词 铁氧化物 土壤 吸附 ZN^2+ 机理 iron oxides soil adsorption Zn^2+ mechanism
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