The paper first narrates the understanding towards distance learning adaptation on the part of adult learners. It offers a concise analysis of the current state of research in distance learning adaptation of the adult learners and then focuses on some considerations of several issues in the respect of research in learning adaptation of the adult learners in distance education.The authors take such views as to understand and make research on learning adaptation on the part of adult learners from different angles and different levels. In distance education, we need to analyze and lay stress on, from macro and micro layers, the mutual active adaptation between adult learners and distance education institutions. In distance teaching, we need to offer a constructional comprehension of distance learning adaptation of adult learners from both internal and external respects and the three layers of concept, regulation and activities. We need also to explore, from the angle of relevance between teaching and learning, the combination of research on learning adaptation on the part of students and of teachers' assistance and from the angle of different level of learning groups, the issue of learning adaptation. In the respect of increasing the capability of learning adaptation of the adult learners, we need to exercise the function of distance education institutions in guidance and assistance in the students' study and try to establish contact with adult learners at different learning phases. Through all-sided personal intercourse between themselves and others (including the enrollment), the learners may expect to improve their ability for adaptation.
Chinese Journal of Distance Education