
微波频率下电解质溶液复介电常数随功率的变化 被引量:1

Change of Complex Permittivity of Electrolyte Solution With Different Power Under the Microwave Action
摘要 通过实验分别测量了纯水、草酸钠、高锰酸钾和氯化钠水溶液的复介电常数随微波测量功率改变的情况,发现4种待测物质的复介电常数实部都随微波功率改变较小,而草酸钠、高锰酸钾和氯化钠水溶液的复介电常数虚部随微波功率改变明显。通过对实验测试系统误差和温度误差分析,结果显示,测量数据可靠,电解质溶液体系介电常数虚部和功率存在直接联系。 The changes of complex permittivity of pure water, natrium oxalate, potassium permanganate and sodium chloride aqucous solution with different Dower were measured. It is shown that the changes of real part of the complex pemlittivity are all small and the imaginary part of the complex permittivity of electrolyte solution are obvious. By analyzing the systems and temperature error, a conclusion is drawn that the measured results are credibility and there exist direct relationship between the changes of the imaginary part of complex permittivity with the measure power.
出处 《辽宁石油化工大学学报》 CAS 2006年第4期1-4,共4页 Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(60531010) 面上项目(60471045)。
关键词 微波 电解质溶液 复介电常数 Microwave Electrolyte solution Complex permittivity
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