
头足类年龄与生长特性的研究方法进展 被引量:17

Advances in determination of age and growth of cephalopods
摘要 头足类是软体动物门的重要类群,了解头足类的年龄和生长特性,有助于掌握其生活史、估算种群数量及其资源变动。研究头足类年龄和生长的方法主要有长度频度分析法,利用角质颚的长度及其轮纹、耳石的结构及轮纹、内壳等。长度频度分析法并不太适合用来研究生命周期短、生长快的头足类,耳石等硬质材料因其具有生长轮纹且信息较为稳定而被广泛应用。头足类的年龄与生长研究是一个极为复杂的生物学问题,同一种类不同种群个体之间生长差异明显,因此,在以后的研究过程中,可以根据年龄、捕获日期等资料先分种群,然后按各种群分别研究其生长特性。 Cephalopod as an important group of mollusks not only has a very high economic value, but also plays an important role in the marine ecosystem. Understanding of the age and growth characteristics of cephalopod will help to know their life cycle, and to estimate population changes and resources conditions. Length frequency analysis, rostral length, endoskeleton length and statolith are used in determination of the age and growth in cephalopod. Length frequency analysis method is not suitable for cephalopod with short life cycle and fast -growing species, but the statoliths with hard materials and constant record are widely applied in the age determination of cephalopod, which is an extremely complex biological problem. There are different growth rates among individuals in a population, therefore we may separate the samples into population depending on the age, capture time and other data in the course of the study, then determine their growth of various groups.
出处 《大连水产学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期371-377,共7页 Journal of Dalian Fisheries University
基金 上海市教委曙光计划资助项目(05-11) 上海市重点学科资助项目(T1101)
关键词 头足类 年龄与生长 长度频度分析法 耳石 角质颚 内壳 cephalopod age and growth length - frequency analysis statolith rostral endoskeleton
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