

Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence with Tension Free Vaginal Tape
摘要 目的评价经闭孔无张力阴道吊带术(TVT-O)治疗女性压力性尿失禁的疗效。方法对6例经临床和尿动力学检查确诊的女性压力性尿失禁患者采用TVT-O术,将无张力吊带置于尿道中段。结果手术时间平均26.3 min;出血平均40 ml;术后平均留置尿管2.5 d;术后平均住院4.2 d;拔除尿管后尿失禁症状消失,无尿潴留。结论TVT-O手术操作简单,微创,疗效好且并发症少,适合作为女性压力性尿失禁手术治疗的首选术式。 Objective To evaluate the outcome of tension-free vaginal tape obturator system(TVT-O) in the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence. Methods Six female patients suffering from stress urinary incontinence were treated with TVT-O operation. All the patients were confirmed by clinical routine and urodynamic examination before operation. The tape was implanted around mid-urethra. Results The mean operation time was 26.3 min and the volume of mean bleeding was 40ml. The mean catheterization time was 2.5 days and mean hospital stay was 4.2 days. All patients were cured and the clinical symptoms disappeared after operation, and none of them with urine retention. Conclusion TVT-O is a simple, reliable procedure with low incidence of complication. It can be used first for treating female stress urinary incontinence.
出处 《河南职工医学院学报》 2006年第6期440-441,共2页 Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers
关键词 压力性尿失禁 女性 无张力阴道吊带 stress incontinence ,female, tension-free vaginal tape
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