As a case of groundwater study in Yinchuan region, the paper has produced the existing structural form of hydro-chemical components and mineral contents used in the region's hydro-geochemical modeling. In doing so, the paper has also given an analysis of the variation of hydro-chemical components and saturation indices of different minerals in correspondence with the 144 group chemical component contents and hydro-geochemical modeling structure. The results of the modeling indicate that, (1) The TDS has gradually been increasing as the fresh water turns into saline water and the hydro-chemical type evolutes from HCO3· SO4 - Ca· Mg to SO4· Cl Na · Mg, from piedmont pluvial fan to alluvial proluvial plain, and then to fluviolacustrine plain, and later to Huanghe alluvial flat in Yinchuan region; (2) The SO4^2- in the local groundwater contributes to the existing form of Ca^2 + and Mg^2 + from piedmont pluvial fan to the Huanghe alluvial flat. The compound components of CaSO4^0 and MgSO4^0 prove to increase with SO4^2- and TDS respectively while the free content of Ca^2 + and Mg^2+ decrease gradually. The content of CaSO4^0 and that of MgSO4^0 can be as high as over 20% in the alluvial flat; and, (3) the saturation indices of calcite and dolomite prove to be higher than zero in the total groundwater flowing system, though they may decrease gradually from the alluvial proluvial plain and the fluviolacustrine plain to piedmont pluvial fan and Huanghe alluvial flat, respectively. Nevertheless, the saturation indices of gypsum would be lower than zero, on the condition that they increase gradually from piedmont pluvial fan to the River' s alluvial flat. Therefore, the saturation indices of gypsum show that the gypsum in the groundwater system remains in the gradual dissolution.
Journal of Safety and Environment