Objective:Scientific evaluation of the effect on antiphlogosis and abirritation of Xitongning Ointment. Methods: Random grouping for animals and setting blank comparison. Choose Shexiang Shuhuojing of similar efficacy and functions as the Yang medicament of Chinese traditional medicine for comparison. Set three dosage groups of Xitongning Ointment of 25 % of original liquid, 50 % of original liquid and original liquid and one group of Shexiang Shuhuojing. Directions:For external use. Use SD series big rat and NIH series small rat as experimental animals. Result:All index impact of Xitongning about antiphlogosis and abirritation evidently differ from the blank group. No evident differences between the blank group and Shexiang Shehuojing group on the increase of capillary permeability of mouse belly skin induced by xylene and the aching index of mouse induced by acetic acid.
Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Traumatology & Orthopedics