Objective:To investigate the craniofacial pattern and the craniofacial changes from early permanent dentition to permanent dentition of Northern Chinese children with Class Ⅱ Division 1, and to compare with Chinese population norms and Southern Chinese with Class Ⅱ Division 1. Method: Later cephalometric radiograghs of 120 Patients with Class Ⅱ Division 1 malocclusions were studied by Bjork analysis. Result: SNB and SNPg were increased from early permanent dentition to permanent dentition. There were no significant sex differences. Northern Chinese with Class Ⅱ Division 1 have normal maxillas, more retrusive mandibles and steeper mandibular plane, conclusion: there were the different in prognathic maxillas, the protrution of upper and lower dental arch, and the proclined maxillary incisors between Northern and Southem Chinese children with class Ⅱ division 1.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology