
单个汉字结尾笔画事件相关电位N400的研究 被引量:1

N400 Event-related Potentials of Ending Strokes of a Single Chinese Character in Healthy Chinese Subjects
摘要 目的通过分别研究单个简单汉字结尾笔画匹配与非匹配以及单个复杂汉字结尾笔画联想正确与联想错误事件相关电位N400的变化,探讨正常人单个汉字结尾笔画事件相关电位N400的特征。方法对10名23岁.26岁右利手健康受试者,分别进行单个简单汉字结尾笔画匹配与非匹配的ERP实验,以及单个复杂汉字联想正确与联想错误的ERP实验。结果无论是单个简单汉字结尾笔画非匹配时还是单个复杂汉字联想错误时均可以诱发出波形较宽大而且走向明显向负的N400,其波幅均在中央顶部偏高,但两实验的诱发电位也有明显的差别。结论单个简单汉字结尾笔画匹配与非匹配的N400以及单个复杂汉字结尾笔画联想正确与联想错误的N400与字词认知中的语义密切相关,而且作为象形文字的汉字与作为拼音文字的西文在认知过程中存在差异。 Objective To investigate the changes in N400 event-related potentials (ERPs) in recognition of semantically matching ending strokes of single simple Chinese character and in the guessing experimentation of single complex Chinese character for analysis of the characteristics of single Chinese character N400 in healthy subjects. Methods Ten healthy right-handed volunteers aging from 23 to 26 years old were tested for N400 when they were asked to guess the single simple Chinese character with semantically matching or mismatching ending strokes and when they were asked to attend the guessing experimentation of single complex Chinese character. Result The N400 with high amplitudes could be induced when the subjects were confronted with mismatching ending strokes of single simple Chinese character and when they guessed the ending strokes of single complex Chinese character in error, in the event of which N400 amplitudes were higher in the central of the parietal. However the ERP waveforms had obvious difference between two experiments. Conclusions The N400 in single simple Chinese character-ending strokes matching test and in single complex Chinese character guessing test was close by related to the semantic context of the word recognition. The results demonstrated the difference between the Chinese and English character recognition process.
出处 《中国生物医学工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期660-666,677,共8页 Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 天津市科技发展计划资助项目(043102111)。
关键词 单个汉字 N400 联想 事件相关电位 P300 individual Chinese character N400 guess event-related potentials P300
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