
农业生物技术与种业结构调整 被引量:2

Agro-Biotech and Seed Industry Restructuring
摘要 分析了农业生物技术对种子行业结构调整的影响,当前种业面临的技术现状及其作用方式。论证了尽管中国杂交水稻与转基因作物研究居于世界前列,但由于制度约束与制度有效供给不足造成研究优势没能很好地转化为经济优势,中国种业面临巨大压力这一基本命题。 The paper made an analysis on agro biotech effect on seed industry restructuring and current biotechnology status facing seed industry. The reault shows that though Chinese hybrid rice and GMO research leads its position in the world, the research advantage didn't turn itself into economy advantage due to institution constraint and effective system supply shortage, as a consequence , Chinese seed industry is lack of competition ability before transnational corporation.
出处 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期108-112,共5页 Scientific Management Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70473028)
关键词 农业生物技术 杂交玉米 转基因 终止子 并购 Agro- biotech Hybrid rice GMO Terminator Seed M&A
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