
加利福尼亚州水资源调配工程 被引量:6

Water Transfer Projects in California
摘要 加利福尼亚州多年平均降水量不足600mm,且降水时、空分布严重不均。降水量北部高、南部低,冬、春两季降水集中而夏、秋两季显著偏少。19世纪中期的第一次淘金热潮和二战结束后的第二次经济淘金热潮,为加州注入了大批世界各地的移民。由于人口的大量增加,城市化进程的速度大大加快,灌溉农业也因此得到快速发展。随着城市生活、工业和农业需水量的大幅度增加,加州南部及沿海地区的供水危机日趋紧张。为解决严重的水资源供需矛盾,合理地进行水资源优化配置,提高水资源的利用效率,自20世纪初开始,美国联邦政府、加州政府和加州地方政府(机构)分别主持,先后兴建了7项长距离调水工程,构建了一个较为合理和完整的加州水资源配置体系。阐述了加州水资源状况和调水工程体系建设的背景,并重点对调水工程建设的基本概况进行了系统介绍。 The average annual precipitation in California is less than 600 ram, and its temporal spatial distribution is extremely uneven. Compara tively, the yearly precipitation in north California is much higher than that in the south part of the state, and the precipitation mainly concentrates in winter and spring with less rainfall in summer and autumn. The first gold rush in Midqg00's and the second economic "gold rush" after World War II in California attracted a large amount of immigrants from all over the world. With the ripid population expansion, the speed of urbaniza- tion was increased and the irrigation area climbed quickly. Due to insufficient water supply for domestic, industrial and agricultural uses, water crises oeeurred frequently in this state, especially in south California and the coastal areas. To solve the conflict between water supply and water demand, allocate water resources reasonably and optimally, and utilize water resources efficiently, local, state and federal governments has con- strutted seven long distance water transfer projects in the State of California since early 20th century. These water diversion projects form a gi gantic water supply system for California. The main effort of this paper is to introduce the water transfer projects, with the general information of water resources in California and the baekground of these projects presented.
出处 《南水北调与水利科技》 CAS CSCD 2006年第6期1-12,共12页 South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology
关键词 调水工程 水资源 供水 需水 美国 加利福尼亚州 water transfer project water resources water supply water demand,United States,California
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