Objective: To discussion of the methods and results of the surgical treatment of multipal ventrieular septal dofects(VSDs). Methods: The clinical data of 15 patients with multipal ventrieular septal defects were analysed retrospectively. We repaired the apical VSDs via 4 kinds of approach: (1)fight atrium; (2)right ventrieulotomy ; (3)left ventriculotomy ; (4)the incision of the out tract of right ventricle combined with left ventriculotomy. Analyze and compare the operative effect between different approach. Results:None died in pedoperative period.There was residual VSI)s in 3 patients, they did not need reoperation. Conclusions:The operative outcome of patients with multipal VSDs is satisfied al- though the occurrence rate of residual VSDs is higher.The intraoperative transesopheageal echocardiography(TEE) should be regular. Surgical approach should be based on the actual site of the VSDs at operation. We should repair the VSI)s via the right atrium as possible, and via the apical fight ventriculotomy if needed and try to avoid left ventrieulotomy.
Aerospace Medicine
ventricular septal defects