
可靠性成本效益分析法在配电网开关配置方案优选中的应用 被引量:3

Application of Reliability Cost-Benefit Method in Optimizing Allocation of Switching Devices in Power Distribution Networks
摘要 配电网中,通过开关设备的优化配置可有效提高节点和系统的可靠性。文章给出了开关投资费用、运行维修费用和停电损失费用的计算方法,进而计算各方案的综合总费用。应用成本效益分析法,以最小费用为目标评价开关配置方案的优劣,协调系统的可靠性和经济性,实现方案优选。应用成本效益分析法对宁夏回族自治区固原市某10kV中压配电网的12套开关配置方案进行评估,得出了最优方案,验证了该方法的工程实用性。 With the development of electricity market, the reliability of power system, which is a important attribute of electric power quality, has been paid increasingly attention. Improving the reliability of power system has been an intense expectation of utilities and their consumers. In power distribution networks, the reliability of the node and system can be improved by the optimal allocation of switchiog devices. The paper presented a method to calculate the switch investment, maintenance and outage costs, and a method to calculate the total costs of each scheme. The cost - benefit is used to analyze selecthag the best scheme which the total cost is the lowest. The proposed method takes ioto account factors, such as the system' s reliability and economy. The paper presented 12 switchhag device schemes for a medium voltage power distribution networks in Guyuan, Ningxia, assessed the schemes with the cost - benefit analysis and obtained the best schemes. The engineering applicability and correctness are verified by the case.
出处 《电力设备》 2006年第12期85-88,共4页 Electrical Equipment
关键词 配电网 开关优化配置 成本效益分析法 方案优选 power distribution network optimal allocation of switching devices cost - benefit analysis scheme selection optimization
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