

The Robber: Proclamation of Schiller's Aesthetic Education
摘要 席勒认为启蒙运动和法国资产阶级革命都没有实现人性的自由与解放。从人性的自由出发,他提出通过审美教育来解决他所面临的时代难题。席勒的审美教育的第一步是通过艺术把分裂的人性恢复到其本性的自由和完整,第二步是通过崇高来完成。人性崇高的极限就是神性和上帝,此时的神或上帝对人性起着提升作用,所以在自由的发展道路上,人是从“完整的人”向“全能的神”不断地迈进。《强盗》的内容和主题倾向于用审美教育来解决时代的难题。《强盗》的写作目的就是为他认为的真正的宗教和道德辩护,主人公卡尔.穆尔对以暴抗暴这种方式的彷徨与自责正是对启蒙运动和法国资产阶级革命手段的否定,卡尔.穆尔选择从“完整的人”到“全能的神”的发展就是对审美教育这一途径的认同。所以,《强盗》可以说是席勒审美教育的宣言书。 According to Schiller, neither the Enlightenment nor the bourgeois revolution in France has realized the liberty and freedom of humanity. He has put forward the solution to the contemporary problem based on the freedom of humanity. The first step of Schiller' s aesthetic education is to re-harmonize the divisive humanity to its nature of freedom and perfection by art, while the second step is obtained through sublime. The maximal sublime of humanity is the God when the God plays as a promoter of humanity. As a result, human beings strike forward continuously from integrating human to the almighty God in the development of liberty. The content and theme of The Robber is intending to solve the contemporary problem through aesthetic education whereas the interior purpose of The Robber is to defend the real religion and moral from his point of view. The wander and self-blame to the violent against violent mode of the Karl Moor is the very denial to the means of the Enlightenment and the bourgeois revolution in France. Karl Moor chose the development from integrating human to the almighty God, which is the acknowledgement to the means of aesthetic education. Therefore, The Robber can be regarded as the proclamation of Schiller's aesthetic education.
作者 杨家友
出处 《商丘职业技术学院学报》 2006年第6期74-77,共4页 JOURNAL OF SHANGQIU POLYTECHNIC
关键词 《强盗》 审美教育 “完整的人” “全能的神” The Robber, aesthetic education integrating people almighty God
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  • 1[德]海涅(H·Heine) 著,薛华,海安.论德国[M]商务印书馆,1980.








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