
基于割角的保特征网格简化算法 被引量:15

Feature Preserving Mesh Simplification Based on Corner Cutting
摘要 目前存在的网格简化算法大多数在低分辨率下会丢失物体的细节特征·为了改善这点,以割角的方式,以局部体积为简化代价,提出了一种基于半边折叠的新的网格简化算法·与以往算法相比,不仅运行速度快,存储量小,而且非常好地保留了网格的细节特征·除了用于简化网格,也可以对模型构建LOD模型· Most of the existing algorithms for simplifying triangular meshes might lose some important shape features of the original model, especially at low levels of the simplified models. Proposed in this paper is a novel algorithm for triangular mesh simplification, which uses the local volume as the cost of decimation based on edge collapse operators. Many examples demonstrate that the method proposed is fast, requires less memory overhead and preserves the details very well. Furthermore, A set of LOD models by this approach are also easily obtained.
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期2144-2151,共8页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60503067 60333010) 浙江省自然科学基金项目(Y105159) 国家"九七三"重点基础研究发展规划基金项目(2002CB312101)
关键词 网格简化 边折叠 细节层次(LOD) mesh simplification edge collapse level-of-detail(LOD)
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