Objective To establish more accurate criteria to assess the cure of venereal urethritis by testing urethral discharges and the prostatic secretions. Methods Urethral discharges of the patients were sampled for detection before the therapy and both the urethral discharges and the prostatic secretions were tested after the therapy. The results of testing were assessed. Results Among 54 cases of venereal urethritis who were assessed as being cured by testing urethral discharges,24 eases(44.44 % )still had abnomal prostatie secretions. Conclusion Due to different sites of sampling misjudgment may occur in 44.44 % of cases of venereal urethritis if only urethral discharges are tested. Prostatic secretions can reflect the condition of the middle and rear urethra, it will be more accurate to assess the cure of venereal urethritis by testing both urethral discharges and prostatic secretions.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD